Saturday, May 23, 2009

Oriental Beauty

This is an ACEO featuring our own gorgeous Siamese called Dipsy, who is coming up to 11 years old now. He is the most loyal pet you could ask for, waiting at the door until I come home, follows me from room to room - even sits at the door of the shower until I come out!! I adore him. This ACEO was done with Faber Castell Polychromos, Lyra Skintones and Derwent Drawing pencils on drafting film and is available for sale in my ebay store.


  1. Beautiful Karen! Wow, you really captured that noble look of a Siamese. I don't think I have ever seem a cat look so noble.

  2. Thank you Mel - I think the Siamese are so elegant and beautiful. Many of my friends can't see the appeal of him (some are even scared of him!), preferring the cute and fluffy breeds. But they truly are magnificent cats!

  3. How pretty! We had a Siamese cat many years ago. I swear he thought he was my most important child!

  4. I know what you mean Deb, Dipsy is definitely like my 5th child - I'd be lost without him.

  5. Your Dipsy is BEAUTIFUL! He seems to be your best buddy. You have done a great job on his portrait. Coincidentally, I was working on an ACEO of Siamese cat yesterday.

  6. It is funny - great minds think alike!! I have a couple of pictures of frogs that I wanted to do as well, but then I saw that Melody did some, and then you, so didn't want to do mine until yours had all sold, or there would be too many frogs in the marketplace!!
