Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Latest Commission - A Day to Remember

A Day to Remeber
16 x 20 inches
Coloured pencils on drafting film
This is my latest commission and what a marathon it has been - it has kept me out of mischief day and night for more than a week. I did have reservations about working on such a large scale but for a special request like a wedding day, how could I refuse. I know now why I usually opt to work on a smaller scale!!! Back to work now, as I have a backlog of Christmas commissions to do. I do apologize to anyone who is wanting a commission done at the moment, as I have had to put all my stores in vacation mode whilst I catch up on all the orders.


  1. First, what a beautiful job you've done on this drawing! I'm sure the clients will be very pleased!

    Second, congratulations on being busy with commissions!!!

  2. Thank you so much Deb. I only wish all these commissions were spaced out over the whole year and not all in one month!!!!

  3. Great work Karen, especially on the facial expressions.
    Very ambitious for it's scale and detail!

  4. A little too ambitious I feel Mona but thank you!!!! :)

  5. Beautiful painting, Karen. I love the couple's pose as well.

  6. It is a lovely pose isn't it, they look so happy together. :)
