Monday, March 1, 2010

Artist's Block (my version of writer's block)

I am in a bit of a rut right now. The commissions are quiet, and I have a few projects on the go, but not much that I can work on right now. Sadly, I find it very hard to just relax, and am happiest when the ideas and projects and creative juices are flowing freely. I think things have been so hectic for the last six months, that now that things are quiet, and I have a chance to take stock and really be creative, I don't know what to do. Help - I need some inspiration!!!! Any prods and pokes and ideas that will help me feel creative again will be gladly welcomed. In the meantime, it gives me time to catch up on what all my artist friends are up to and creating at the moment.


  1. Oh Karen this is all too familiar.
    I have felt this way until I can get my teeth into something new.
    It's really a good time to have a clean out...sharpen all those yummy pencils. clean out the rubbish.
    clean the pencil sharpener, read a couple of art books.
    That usually gets me back in the mood.
    Maybe it's just time to reflect.
    what have I done.... what do I want to do... you know what I mean.
    Hugs to you Keren. It's just a breathing space.

  2. I get artist block too, though not in the ideas but in the execution. Maybe step outside of your comfort zone and do a painting of something or someone you admire?

  3. Dors, you're a darling and that all sounds perfect and just what I might do - I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!
    Thank you Sherry, I may just do that - the Australian Society of Miniature Art have added a new section to their awards exhibition this year - oil painting portraits, something I've hardly done, so maybe now it's time!!
    Hugs to both of you xx

  4. Karen, I like the other responses you've received too, but have you ever done or thought about doing a portrait of your husband at some point?

  5. I haven't done a portrait of my poor, long suffering husband, Mona and maybe that is just what I should do - thank you so much for the encouragement - I'll put it to him and see what response I get. Thank you xx

  6. Getting that first mark down is the hardest part. I suffer terribly from waiting for Just-The-Right-Momemt-To Start-itis. The stars have to align, the right signs must be present, the dishes have to be done, etc etc.

    However, since teaching the young 'uns (last internment yesterday), I am amazed at how NONE of them suffer from this ailment. They bung down big lines, strong colours, bold dashes with no thought of what it SHOULD look like. They just go for it.

    Their proudest moment is when I tell them to sign their name and date their piece.

    Some of them can churn out 4 big A3 sheets of detailed work in the hour and a half. Puts me to shame.

    Oils sound lurrvely....



  7. Thank you heaps for the inspiring words Cindy - Oh to have the spontaneity of those kids!!!

  8. Well Karen, I hope by now you have found yourself busy again. You've had such great comments here, I don't have anything to add except good luck! I usually do what Dors suggested, clean up my studio. Also a walk in the woods or such helps too. Remember to have fun!

  9. Thank you so much Barbara - I'm back in the swing of things now - dug out the oil paints and back to painting miniatures - I found a Cirque du Soleil program and also some photos of Carnivale Masks and the colours and mystique of both these themes gave me renewed inspiration!!!

  10. I'm the same way Karen - I'm so much more productive when I have a todo list that is overflowing. What I've done in the past when I've been in ruts - I've taken on challenges. Michelle Burnett's Following the Masters blog, or Bill Guffey's Virtual Paintout, or Karin Jurick's Different Strokes for Different Folks, or even Illustration Friday at IllustrationFriday dot com. Just giving myself an assignment sometimes forces me to gain a new perspective and get inspired again. Good luck!

  11. I notice that you take on different challenges Deb, I have seen you mention the Illustration Friday before. I think this is a wonderful idea, because it challenges you to do something different. I have a couple of things on the go again now, but next time, I might just try that!!! :)
