Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just for fun - Mystified Illustration

5x7 inches
Gouache on Watercolour Board
I promised my family that I would have a break from the art while we were on holidays, and spend some time with them. It was lovely to do some puzzles and have some quality family time. But school's back tomorrow and everyone was doing their own thing today, so I had to have a play with some gouache that I had recently picked up. I've never used Gouache before, but have to say I found it the easiest of all the different paints to use and will definitely be experimenting with it a bit more. It seems to have some of the benefits of oils, acrylics and watercolours all bundled into one. This artwork is just a bit of fun :)


  1. Hi Karen. Looks as though you have taken to the medium well.
    Thanks for your kind comment on my art blog.

  2. Glad to got to try out the gouache. You did a super job. Love it.

    Good to hear you are having a good time with the family.

  3. Thank you for your lovely words Gary and Dors - it's always fun to try out a different medium :)

  4. This is a piece that is a lot of fun. I am awed by your constant ability to keep your pieces so crisp and clean. Love those hot air balloons!

  5. Thank you so much Sherry - I really should try and work a bit more freely, but 'crisp and clean' seems to be all I can do :)
