Monday, September 26, 2011

Let's Count Kisses - Cover

Let's Count Kisses - Cover
For Publication by Hachette Australia

Well it has been a marathon month, working day and night, 7 days a week on this children's picture book, and I have to say I am loving every moment. I wanted to get as much done as possible by the 23rd Sept, so as to take a couple of weeks off over the school holidays for some quality family time (and to catch up on sadly neglected blogging and internet activities). These illustrations are being done in two stages - the animals, butterflies and any other elements are being drawn using coloured pencils on drafting film, and these are then scanned and the background is added digitally. This is the approved cover, just awaiting some text and final placement. I have another 6 illustrations completed to the scanning stage, but still needing the background to be added.


  1. Absolutely delightful. I love the illustrations in children's books and I can see yours will be wonderful. Good luck with the deadlines.

  2. Thank you so much Wendy - I know I used to treasure some of my picture books when I was little too, and it feels like a real honour to be offered this project. Hopefully, I can do it justice!!! :)

  3. How cute!

    Its amazing how much you can achieve when enjoying the subject matter isn't it. Hope you'll share more of these soon

  4. Fabulous and definitely delightful cover. I can't wait to see more!

  5. Thank you so much Sue and Sherry for your encouraging words. It will probably be a little while before I can share more as I need to wait for the files to be scanned by the publishers before I can do the final stage of the illustrations :)

  6. Karen you have excelled yourself again!

    This is going to be a much treasured book in the hands of little ones.

  7. I hope so Cindy, but I'm just thrilled to have this opportunity - thank you for your lovely feedback!!! :)

  8. i agree with sue. its amazing how much u can get done when u are fully with in... also great to see u are illustrating a childrens book. im sure there will be as much adults as children entralled.

  9. Thank you Bridie - I would love to think that, but you never can tell!!! :)

  10. WOW you have been so busy. It's great to catch up on all your wonderful work... "Lets count kisses" is a great title and good luck with the children's illustrations. Love the cute little Koala.

  11. Welcome back Dors!!! I hope you had the most wonderful time!!! I haven't had any time to do any blogging lately, and probably won't for another 2-3 weeks, at which point I should be just about finished this book. It has been the most wonderful and satisfying project to work on, but has quite a tight deadline, leaving no time for R and R. I look forward to catching up on your news very soon! xx

  12. Really love your work Karen. Glad I found your blog.

  13. Hi Scott - it's always lovely to come across a new blogger and your blog definitely does look inspiring. Unfortunately, I haven't had a lot of time lately to update my blog, but hopefully that will change very shortly, cheers, Karen :)
