Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Couple of Commissions - Archie & Maisie


8x10 inches

Graphite and Coloured Pencil on Bristol Board


8x10 inches

Graphite and Coloured Pencil on Bristol Board

For a while I thought I would readvertise the graphite portraits I used to offer as they are definitely the portraits I get asked to do most often. I see so many other artists doing amazing portraits using the graphite, but for me it is a struggle. I miss the strong contrasts that I find so easy to achieve with CP's. No matter how dark I go with the graphite, or even when I try charcoal, or some of some of the other mediums that complement graphite, I'm never a hundred percent happy with the result. These two lovely little dogs were wonderful to draw, and their 'Mum' seems very happy with her portraits, but for me it helped to clarify that I need to work with the mediums I like the best, and that is coloured pencils.


  1. these are just wonderful Karen. great work
    Thanks for the kind comment on my art blog. So much appreciated

  2. Thank you so much for your encouraging words Gary - that means a lot!!! :)

  3. I love both of these Karen, and I think your work is great with both Graphite and CPs.

  4. Well I think these are lovely Karen, particularly Maisie - such wonderfully expressive eyes.

  5. Thank you so much Vic and Sue - you are both so lovely! I guess it comes down to what you feel really comfortable working with, and for some reason the stress levels are always higher when I'm working in graphite.

  6. These are lovely in graphite anyway Karen. Have you ever tried carbon pencil (part graphite, part charcoal)?

    I've found it to be richer and darker than plain charcoal. Wolff's carbon pencils are my current favorite in life drawing sessions.

  7. Very nice work. I know what you mean about getting that really dark, dark. I love my graphite pencils but sometimes I need to go to my watercolours to really get that darkness I crave!!

  8. Gorgeous as always Karen, and even though grpahite may not be your first love, the results are still fantastic.

    Figured out why my Google Followers disappeared - March was the deadline for non-blogger sites to get the chop, as Google eventually want everyone to use Google +. Have a new Followers widget now. It's always something isn't it??

    Speaking of dogs, ours went to the vet in a big hurry today, blood, pus and other nasties oozing all over the carpet. I won't tell you what she had though, you might be just about to have dinner....

  9. Thank you for that hint Mona - I have tried one type of carbon, but it wasn't Wolff, so will have to keep an eye out for them.

    You do beautiful work with watercolours Wendy! I think if we can't achieve what we want to achieve with a certain medium, then it takes away all the joy of creating.

    Oh dear Cindy - was that Bo? I he OK? Hope everything turned out. I'm glad you found the problem with your followers - will be over soon to follow again.

  10. No, the neurotic mini poodle. The glands around her patootie were infected, abcess etc etc. I am sure yesterday I made at least 2 payments on the vet's mercedes....

  11. Poor little pooch - hope she's feeling much better soon. I signed up to Linky on Friday night, so I could follow your blog again, but still waiting for an activation email. Sent them an email to see what's happening, but haven't heard back yet, so maybe the administrator doesn't work weekends. Will get there one day!!! :)
