Saturday, May 12, 2012


This 8x10 inch artwork was drawn with coloured pencils on drafting film and is now the subject of a 21 page comprehensive step by step tutorial available from
The reference photo for this gorgeous kitty was provided with kind permission of PCB75


  1. A stunning piece of work, Karen! I hope the tutorial does well for you. Sorry to read about your recent 'biro' incident...they can certainly make a mess in the wrong hands (or mouth!).

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely wishes and kin words Tracy. LOL - we learnt that the hard way and now the bedrooms are out of bounds except at night!!! :)

  3. Your cat looks lovely, your have really captured his 'look'.

  4. Thank you so very much Wendy!!! :)

  5. Your kitties have a soft spot in my heart - I wish I could have them all! Well, maybe not all, there wouldn't be much room left on the bed. As it is my own kitty had been snuggling up against my bum at night so I can't move and I wake up from nightmares where I'm pinned down.

    21 pages - OMG!

  6. You always manage to make me smile Cindy. My cat prefers sleeping next to my tummy (my bum's too big) and then when I swap from side to side, he emerges from under the blanket and moves to the other side so that he is always next to my stomach. I think Steve feels the cat has a better life and gets more cuddles than him!!! :))

  7. I fail to see the preference problem with cats over husbands.....

  8. - now I'm laughing out loud Cindy!!! :))
