Tuesday, March 5, 2013


9x5 inches
Scratch art, inktense pencils and coloured pencil on Ampersand Scratchbord
With Easter rapidly approaching, I was inspired to do this little piece. Halfway through completing it, my order of tattoo needles arrived (a big thanks to all my Scratch art friends for their advice regarding these), which made my job on the Easter Eggs so much easier. It is time to buckle down now and get some illustrations done for my upcoming book, so no more scratch art for a little while, and probably a bigger gap between posts. Hope this one puts a smile on your face and gets you in the mood for Easter.


  1. another brilliant one Karen

    But as someone who doesn't have a sweet tooth may I please request a savoury subject when you are able to work on your next post .... perhaps back to the mice/cheese or some fruit??

  2. LOL Sue - I'll see what I can do - your idea sounds perfect, although I did have a mouse planned with a cupcake :) Thank you so much Jennifer!!! :)

  3. Just awesome as usual Miss Karen!

    When I saw tattoo needles I though you were doing ink in another way....

  4. LOL Cindy - my sister just got a tattoo, but I'm too chicken!!! :)
