Monday, May 26, 2014

Another artwork and Information on Drafting film

Good Morning
12x12 inches
Pyrography, Coloured pencil, Inktense pencils and ink
on Cradled Birch Ply
This is my latest adventure piece combining the pyrography with coloured pencils - such fun.

I have also created an information page on my website at and have started the ball rolling with a comprehensive information page about drafting film. I get so many emails from artists seeking more information about this surface, where to buy it, which pencils to use etc. and so I thought it might be helpful to have a one stop info section and I will be adding more pages to it down the track.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

More fun combining Pyrography with Colour

Adding a Splash of Colour
12x12 inches
Pyrography, Inktense pencils & Coloured Pencil
on Cradled Birch Ply

The Intrepid Friendship
12x12 inches
Pyrography, coloured pencil and ink on
Cradled Birch Ply
Oh what fun I am having combining the pyrography with the coloured pencils and colour. I have had a wonderful pyrography artist me to alert me to the fact that pyrography can fade over time, which alarmed me quite a bit. The fading isn't consistent and can be unpredictable. This is one of the reasons that I am combining the coloured pencil with the woodburning. Apart from loving colour of course, I darken the darkest darks and brighten some areas, so that if there is any fading of the burned marks over time, the overall integrity of the image should be maintained. I just love the combination of texture and rustic look that the wood burning gives and even more so when combined with a bit of colour. I think I might be hooked :)