Monday, August 4, 2014

Beautiful Human Landscapes Project underway

8x10 inches
Coloured Pencils on Mat Board

11x14 inches
Coloured Pencils on Mat Board
These two beautiful ladies are the first to be featured in my Beautiful Human Landscapes Project. Val was the Mum of one of my good friends from school and was like a second mother to me when I was young. She sadly passed away a couple of months ago and this was my gift to her daughter, Lynne. Ruth was the mother of an artist friend Jonathan, who kindly shared the beautiful reference photo for this precious moment and to both Lynne and Jonathan I say a huge thank you. This project is all about celebrating the older folk in our society. If you have a high resolution, zoomed in reference photo of one of your loved ones that you think might be suitable for this project, then please don't hesitate to contact me.


  1. Beautiful. I look forward to seeing more of your human landscapes.

  2. These two are so different in lighting and mood, but both very beautifully done. Can't wait to see what's next!

  3. Stunning Karen

  4. A big thank you to each of you Dolores, Sande and Trish for your support and kind words, which are much appreciated :)

  5. I love your coloured pencil on the black mat board. I love the effect of the colours with the black. What I don't know how to do is frame them. What colour mat do you put with your drawings like this one

  6. Thank you Wendy - I almost always go with a black mat board when framing - it goes with everything and because all my pieces are framed with black it gives them a uniformity. :)
