What about Me?
29cm x 29cm
Coloured pencils on wood
Back to doing commissions this week, but just had time to fit another of these artworks on wood - so much fun!!! This one was inspired by our Siamese cat Dipsy who stretches his paw as high as he can to the bench (fortunately he can't reach) whenever I am chopping up chicken or fish. Some might shoo the kitty away, others might share a sardine or two - which are you?
Love this one Karen, these pieces on wood literally jump off the page at you.
Thank you Vic - that's just what I was aiming for :))
Love it. Great work Karen and I am one that would definitely share the sardines.
Ha, ha I believe you would too Dors. I proabaly wouldn't, only because I read once that the canned fish we eat is bad for cats, and for some reason that stuck with me, although I have no idea why it would be true.
I'm a sharer. That said, you would never get me touch a sardine. And that said (LOL), this still looks like it might be a yummy sandwich! Gorgeous texture in the bread, Karen. You mentioned realism maybe not being my thing and it seems to be what I strive for. I know that my colors never touch realism (though that isn't intentional, I assure you). Funny thing is, that seems to be by and large the type of art that I truly attracted to. Hence? My constant visiting here! This is yet another wonderful work!
Well I would share as well .. I just did a Google search re. canned fish for cats and it seems that Tuna is the worst culprit but sardines may be fed as a very occasional treat (so long as not in tomato sauce). It was news to me!!
Beautiful drawing as always Karen
It's a hard one Sherry. I am drawn to realism like you, but I know in the elite art world, creativeness is favoured over realism. If realism is what you really want to do, you will get there. I started off doing hours and hours of research on-line, studying other artists and reading about their techniques and reading so many art books. The key really is not to be too hard on yourself and your work - it's hard though, I know!!!
Isn't it funny Sue, how something will pique your curiosity. I should have looked up about canned fish food for cats myself ages ago, but never got around to it. Thank you for sharing that bit of info and for your lovely comment :)
Great colors and texture, Karen! Makes me hungry!
Ha Ha Barbara - at least it's healthy!!! :)
Hi Karen, I am definitely a sharer but having said that I probably wouldn't be eating sardines!!
You really have achieved a sense of realism in your work, it looks great.
As a side note I didn't realize there was a problem with the canned fish. I have a dog he does get lots of treats but I don't usually give him fish.
Incredible Karen, such technical excellence accompanied by a little humour-perfect)
Thank you so much Wendy and Sam for your thoughtful comments. :)
He could have all my sardines! I don't eat anything with a face. But then, I love to spoil kitties. Love this work you are doing on wood Karen!
LOL - Thank you Deb!!! :)
I'd share every time (especially as I don't like fish)
This is stunning. A lot of time and work has gone into this - a real show-stopper.
Good to see you leave your cucumber skin ON!
Wondefully whimiscal, with fantastic technical skill. It is going to be so awesome seeing all these completed breadboards lined up. What a smorgasbord that will be!
After seeing this post I went out and bought a tin of red salmon and celebrated with the cat.
Thank you so much Gillian - seems like most people would rather give the fish to the cat than eat it themselves - LOL!!!
Ahh You're a darling Cindy and so funny - wish you didn't live the other side of the country - I'd come and share the red salmon you and the cat are eating!!! :)
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